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cetane rate造句

"cetane rate"是什么意思  
  • The description of how likely Diesel fuel is to ignite is called the Cetane rating.
  • EC Diesel will have a higher cetane rating, which is similar to the octane rating of gasoline, and contain less sulfur and aromatics than the diesel used today.
  • For instance, biodiesel has a higher cetane rating ( 45-60 compared to 45-50 for crude-oil-derived diesel ) and it acts as a cleaning agent to get rid of dirt and deposits.
  • It was noted that the higher viscosity and the greater cetane rating of biodiesel over traditional petrodiesel lead to poor atomization, as well as mixture penetration with air during the ignition delay period.
  • Analogous to the use of higher compression ratios used for engines burning higher octane alcohols and petrol in spark-ignition engines, taking advantage of biodiesel's high cetane rating can potentially overcome the energy deficit compared to ordinary Number 2 diesel.
  • This is offset, as the fuel tends to ignite more readily ( and thus has a higher cetane rating ) than regular diesel, and a side benefit of this is that it tends to produce less soot during combustion.
  • Shell also markets a different " premium " diesel in Canada labeled V-Power, which they state " Is specially formulated for year-round Canadian weather conditions, with a cetane improver, a de-icer and a corrosion inhibitor . " but Shell also states that V-Power diesel will typically have an increased cetane rating of 1 to 2 points over standard diesel, which meets Transport Canada's minimum mandated rating of 40.
  • It's difficult to see cetane rate in a sentence. 用cetane rate造句挺难的
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